Do you struggle with storage issues?

My name is Christine Scalora and I am a digital journalist with
I am working on an article about using self storage facilities, instead of a warehouse, for e-commerce operations.
I would like to speak to someone who uses self storage or someone who is familiar with storage challenges for an e-commerce business.
All of the content you provide would be linked directly to your website and social media accounts. Our blog receives an average of 20,000 viewers per month.
Feel free to visit our blog to see some of our past [URL removed] (outbound link removed by admins)
Please answer the question or message me if you would like to chat. Thanks!

asked over 9 years ago

Reputation: 10
1 Answer

Ummm…Not exactly sure what it is you are asking here with your newly created account/NO BOOTH as I am sure most are on here as well???

Is this you??? A Student Writer in Lincoln Nebraska?
Christine Scalora
Lincoln, Nebraska Newspapers
Current Hurrdat
Associated Press, Scripps Howard Foundation Wire, Omaha World-Herald
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

And what is your goal here? Are you Bonanza Staff Approved?


answered over 9 years ago

1 Comment

Siberians_Forever November 14, 2014

so now you show as Christine_Scalora ??? Pick a lane and stay in it……either way you will not be having folks contact you here…Sib

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Viewed: 2091 times

Asked: over 9 years ago

Latest response: over 9 years ago

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