We should have a chat post thread

It would be nice if we had a discussion thread or two on different categories so we could ask questions with each other. This would help and let us get to know each other better.

asked almost 4 years ago


KazooDecor July 29, 2020

feel free to start one if you have specific questions – that’s what this forum is for :-)

tomwayne1 July 29, 2020

Bonanza used to have chat forums… like many site, some users got out of control and too much drama prevailed.

3 Answers

Actually I come here to SELL Items and NOT a chat session. There are other places for that chatting (I dont use those either).
I dont mind questions about my items (IF they have a question about what they dont understand in my description) and willing to help with any thoughts on other peoples issues HERE if I can but NOT here to just chew the fat so to say.
Sorry if you dont agree and I dont want to chat about it. I speak my mind and sometimes get censored here about my to the point answers at times.

answered almost 4 years ago



When I say CHAT I mean about items we have for sale and need info. I don’t mean to talk about your dog or wife.

KarensCollections August 02, 2020

@Bettys_Goodies If that’s what you want, it can be done in messages. I’ve had people message me about some items and it works very well.

I’m surprised more sellers do not come here to discuss issues or just chat.

answered almost 4 years ago


tomwayne1 July 29, 2020

Bonanza used to have chat forums… like many site, some users got out of control and too much drama prevailed.

TrinketBox July 29, 2020

used to have some great forums..general, topic specific, even had a drama one that was in a “secret place” for non public wild disscussions…all links to such were removed. But nothing on internet is gone…..

EmpressDepot August 02, 2020

Awww, the drama thread. Some topics definitely come to mind…..one topic could be hurtfu, funny and weird all wrapped up into one. It should have also read….be prepared to walk into the jungle because you never know what u will get. And then some threads, well, the drama threads def were not all

EmpressDepot August 02, 2020

Were not all bad. The drama forum was a fave for a lot of people.

Well lets bring it back Bonanza!!

answered almost 4 years ago

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